About Us

Sachin Diwakar

"sachinclaymaster" Free Art Academy

art educator & Founder

Art Academy is an online platform that offers free courses in various art forms such as clay art, painting, sculpture, and pottery. It was founded by Sachin Clay Master in 2019 with the aim of providing a space for people to learn about and explore different art forms.Since its inception, Art Academy has helped thousands of students learn about and master different art forms. The academy offers both free and paid courses, and provides students with access to a community of other artists where they can share their work and get feedback.Whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting out, Art Academy is a great place to explore your creativity and expand your skillset. So what are you waiting for? Register today and start learning!


“Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up” – Pablo Picasso"

Sachin clay master is the best and free art academy where anybody can learn different art skills like clay art, painting, landscape, sculpture, portrait oil painting & pottery and much more.You can start learning with sachinclaymaster.com for free. Just register on the website and follow us for new updates at other social platforms.

People Say

“It’s a great learning experience to learn from master. Mr Sachin has helped me a lot in my art, He is the best.”

"I am a professional artist and I love your website. It is so nice to have a place where we can all come together and learn about art for free. I am glad that you are here to help." Freelance Artist , Delhi

"I love Art Academy, because it is so fun and actually teaches you a lot of techniques, but doesn't make it too hard to go through. I really had a lot of fun, and would recommend it to anyone who likes art and wants to learn more about it."

"I am currently in the process of learning drawing and painting through the art academy. I have found it extremely easy to follow the lectures and all of my classmates are friendly and helpful."